Online Tuition Services
I offer all my voice lessons also Online via Skype, Facetime o. s. –
not just since the Covid-19 Pandemic.
Susanne Langholf’s vocal studio
My aim is the optimum development of each of my pupils – both vocally and as a musician and artist. It is important to me that everyone achieves his/her goals and finds his/her fulfilment as a singer.
This could be vocal freedom and the enjoyment of singing and speaking or joining a new choir, participating in a suitable band, singing more performances.
For professional singers, I teach a reliable and natural technique, leading to more success and enjoyment professionally.
Singers from an early age – I train these from scratch in a natural and consistent way, supporting them in finding their vocal individuality: Their musical style (classical, pop, musicals, jazz) their enjoyment and the approproproate setting for their music making.
I work on several levels to meet the needs of my students.
Work Techniques
Speech Level Singing · Wilk/Hagena Breathing Types
My working techniques enable strong, effortless and natural singing – my singers are able to discover ways of directly expressing themselves. They also have a positive effect on the strength and function of the speaking voice.
My Voice Lessons are also available online via Skype oder Facetime.
“People who sing, frighten their worry” Miguel de Cervantes
Simon Moll, Psychologist
I have been having singing lessons with Susanne for over four years now. Due to private and professional commitments, there hasn’t always been as much time for music as I might have liked. Regardless of how much strength and energy I have left at the end of the day, my singing lessons always fit the bill!
Leni, aged 11
I have been having lessons with Frau Langholf for over a year now and I am finding them brilliant. Frau Langholf is not only a good teacher but she’s also very nice.
Through her training this year, my voice (slightly damaged) has recovered and even improved.
Sabine Döppel, Jazz Singer
I am a jazz singer and was looking for a teacher a few years ago, that used the Speech Level Singing method. Fate brought me to Susanne. Right from my first lesson, I realised that this was the style of teaching I had been looking for.

„The only thing better than singing is more singing.“
„If I cannot fly, let me sing.“
„Das älteste, echteste und schönste Organ der Musik,
das Organ, dem unsere Musik allein ihr Dasein verdankt, ist die menschliche Stimme.“